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"Multiculturality, diversity, integration, equal opportunities for everyone"
These are the most important challenges for today’s Europe. In a more and more diverse and multicultural society people face with a dual situation: to be able for a deeply integration or to preserve their cultural/ethnic identity. Partners are Romania, Turkey, Germany, Italy, Estonia, Republic of North Macedonia.
The problems are: difficulties to integrate students of minorities, refugees, with different backgrounds in every day school life; lack of competences and important skills for most of students from a risk situation– communication or intercultural skills, lack of self-confidence and support, problems of identit, the gap between majority and minorities students – they are not eager to better know the traditions or cultural values of the others; discrimination or marginalization of minorities, refugees or migrants; difficulties to learn the languages in their new countries (Italy, Germany, Turkey) or the language of majority (in Romania)

This project will help our students to come closer to different cultures and get familiar to different traditions and different ways of life.

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